Openstack Kolla Deploy OVN Provider Driver For Octavia

 Octavia is an open source, operator-scale load balancing solution designed to work with OpenStack. Octavia has integrated support for provider drivers where any third party Load Balancer driver can be integrated with Octavia. Functionality related to this has been developed in OVN and now OVN can now be supported as a provider driver for Octavia.

In previous blog I’ve deployed Amphora based loadbalancer which deploy haproxy LB as a VM instance. Using OVN based driver deploy LB without VMs.

Limitations of the OVN Provider Driver

OVN provider - Advantages

The OVN Provider driver has a few advantages when used as a provider driver for Octavia over Amphora, like:

  • OVN can be deployed without VMs, so there is no additional overhead as is required currently in Octavia when using the default Amphora driver.

  • OVN Load Balancers can be deployed faster than default Load Balancers in Octavia (which use Amphora currently) because of no additional deployment requirement.

OVN provider - Limitations

  • OVN currently supports TCP and UDP, so Layer-7 based load balancing is not possible with the OVN provider driver.

  • While Health Checks are now available in OVN, they are not currently implemented in OVN’s Provider Driver for Octavia.

  • Currently, the OVN Provider driver supports a 1:1 protocol mapping between Listeners and associated Pools, i.e. a Listener which can handle TCP protocols can only be used with pools associated to the TCP protocol. Pools handling UDP protocols cannot be linked with TCP based Listeners.

  • This limitation will be handled in an upcoming core OVN release.

  • Mixed IPv4 and IPv6 members are not supported.

  • Only the ‘SOURCE_IP_PORT’ load balancing algorithm is supported, others like ‘ROUND_ROBIN’ and ‘LEAST_CONNECTIONS’ are not currently supported.

  • Octavia flavors are not supported.

Enable OVN Privider Driver For Octavia

In global.yml (Default its enabled if you deployed OVN for neutron)

octavia_provider_drivers: "ovn:OVN provider"
octavia_provider_agents: "ovn"

Create Loabalancer using OVN Provider

Create loadbalancer (ovn-lb1 using option –provider ovn)

$ openstack loadbalancer create --vip-network-id demo-net --provider ovn --name ovn-lb1
$ openstack loadbalancer list
| id                                   | name    | project_id                       | vip_address | provisioning_status | operating_status | provider |
| 4a8b01ed-5dd1-4aee-bde8-b0568241e4eb | lb1     | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 |  | ACTIVE              | DEGRADED         | amphora  |
| f8e447fb-0474-4d17-b35a-2b1753fffbd9 | ovn-lb1 | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 |  | ACTIVE              | ONLINE           | ovn      |

Create loadbalancer listener (ovn-listener-lb1)

$ openstack loadbalancer listener create --protocol TCP --protocol-port 80 ovn-lb1 --name ovn-listener-lb1
$ openstack loadbalancer listener list
| id                                   | default_pool_id                      | name             | project_id                       | protocol | protocol_port | admin_state_up |
| 1f34c808-e229-4f5c-b362-1e4bdeb87907 | 3f7151fd-f3e5-4d15-8e7c-9d56e638326c | listener1        | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 | TCP      |            80 | True           |
| 199c73bf-2480-40d3-82a3-b920530e5155 | None                                 | ovn-listener-lb1 | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 | TCP      |            80 | True           |

Create pool (ovn-pool-lb1)

$ openstack loadbalancer pool create --protocol TCP --lb-algorithm SOURCE_IP_PORT --listener ovn-listener-lb1 --name ovn-pool-lb1
$ openstack loadbalancer pool list
| id                                   | name         | project_id                       | provisioning_status | protocol | lb_algorithm   | admin_state_up |
| 3f7151fd-f3e5-4d15-8e7c-9d56e638326c | pool1        | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 | ACTIVE              | TCP      | ROUND_ROBIN    | True           |
| c41ed8ba-7505-4006-8725-bca3f0971748 | ovn-pool-lb1 | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 | ACTIVE              | TCP      | SOURCE_IP_PORT | True           |

Create or add members in pool ( is webserver1)

$ openstack loadbalancer member create --address --protocol-port 80 ovn-pool-lb1
$ openstack loadbalancer member list ovn-pool-lb1
| id                                   | name | project_id                       | provisioning_status | address   | protocol_port | operating_status | weight |
| 61aaf325-e42f-4d83-b416-af0945129b36 |      | 670dea6393824b3ca32426474848f0e1 | ACTIVE              | |            80 | NO_MONITOR       |      1 |

Attach floating ip so we can access vip from outside.

$ VIP_PORT_ID=`openstack loadbalancer show ovn-lb1 -c vip_port_id -f value`
$ FLOATING_IP_ID="984588f5-fdc5-435c-894e-b38a143f1178"
$ openstack floating ip set --port $VIP_PORT_ID $FLOATING_IP_ID


In ovn db you can verify status of LB.

$ ovn-nbctl list load_balancer
_uuid               : d37651dc-e0af-4dde-b819-a5a819faacc3
external_ids        : {enabled=True, listener_199c73bf-2480-40d3-82a3-b920530e5155="80:pool_c41ed8ba-7505-4006-8725-bca3f0971748", lr_ref=neutron-363f91d0-9d42-41a3-9bfb-3343f3f3489f, ls_refs="{\"neutron-bc801598-7eee-481e-bcc0-465179e4c4d6\": 2}", "neutron:member_status"="{\"61aaf325-e42f-4d83-b416-af0945129b36\": \"NO_MONITOR\"}", "neutron:vip"="", "neutron:vip_fip"="", "neutron:vip_port_id"="d9107bbf-56fb-499a-a7d5-9b2d4f44ba70", pool_c41ed8ba-7505-4006-8725-bca3f0971748="member_61aaf325-e42f-4d83-b416-af0945129b36_10.0.0.10:80_280864fc-4bc2-4b8a-85c8-318a6f8a46db"}
health_check        : []
ip_port_mappings    : {}
name                : "f8e447fb-0474-4d17-b35a-2b1753fffbd9"
protocol            : tcp
selection_fields    : [ip_dst, ip_src, tp_dst, tp_src]
vips                : {""="", ""=""}

Verify, You can access web1 service using floating ip

$ curl

There is no need for flavors (no VM is created), failovers (no need to recover a VM), or HA (no need to create extra VMs as in the ovn-octavia case the flows are injected in all the nodes, i.e., it is HA by default).


Trove Database as a Service for Openstack

Trove is Database as a Service for OpenStack. It’s designed to run entirely on OpenStack, with the goal of allowing users to quickly and easily utilize the features of a relational or non-relational database without the burden of handling complex administrative tasks. Cloud users and database administrators can provision and manage multiple database instances as needed. Initially, the service will focus on providing resource isolation at high performance while automating complex administrative tasks including deployment, configuration, patching, backups, restores, and monitoring.


  • Setup Networking for Trove
  • Deploy Trove Service
  • Create Trove mgmt network
  • Upload DB (mysql) Image.
  • Create datastor and version
  • Create database instance
  • Test & Validation
  • Database operations

Notes: I’m running kolla-ansible (2023.1). Adjust some configuration according your deployment tools.

Setup network for Trove

Trove has a very strange requirement where Trove talks to the instances via RabbitMQ using a common set of commands, which are translated into database server specific commands by the Trove guest-agent running on the instance. This is the biggest security concern because some Trove instance run on public IP and there is a possibility of privilege escalation to gain access to RabbitMQ. Here I am not going into that security discussion to architure. May be in next blog I will try to re-architecture to address security concern.

I have created dedicated VLAN for DBaaS for trove mgmt network. Trove DB instance (trove-guest-agent) will use this VLAN to talk to rabbitMQ. I’ll configure DBaaS VLAN and assign IP address to only openstack controller nodes. Following is my netplan configuration to get some idea.

output omitted...

# VxLAN for 10G Bond
      id: 11
      link: bond10
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
      mtu: 9000
      addresses: [ ]
    # LBaaS (Octivia)
      id: 12
      link: bond10
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
      mtu: 1500
      addresses: [ ]
    # DBaaS (Trove)
      id: 15
      link: bond10
      dhcp4: false
      dhcp6: false
      mtu: 1500
      addresses: [ ]

I have openstack network api network running on different interface and trove-mgmt-net running on different network. (To fix routing for trove guest agent to talk to rabbitMQ I’ve used host routes in trove-mgmt-net. you will see example in configuration section.)


Deploy Trove Service

I am running kolla-ansible (2023.1 release). Possible this step is differ in your deployment environment.

In /etc/kolla/globals.yml

enable_trove: "yes"

Run kolla-ansible to deploy.

$ kolla-ansible -t multinode deploy -t trove,common,horizon

Configure Trove Service

NOTES : This patch under pending review and because of that I have to create trove-mgmt-network and security group by hand.

Create trove mgmt network and subnet.

$ openstack network create --provider-physical-network physnet1 --provider-network-type vlan --provider-segment 15 trove-mgmt-net
$ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --allocation-pool start=,end= --network trove-mgmt-net trove-mgmt-subnet

NOTE: I have added host specific route in trove-mgmt-subnet because based on my network topology, because my openstack api network running on different network interface on openstack controller nodes.

$ openstack subnet show trove-mgmt-subnet
| Field                | Value                                                |
| allocation_pools     |                             |
| cidr                 |                                        |
| created_at           | 2024-01-25T03:11:04Z                                 |
| description          |                                                      |
| dns_nameservers      |                                                      |
| dns_publish_fixed_ip | None                                                 |
| enable_dhcp          | True                                                 |
| gateway_ip           | None                                                 |
| host_routes          | destination='', gateway='' |
|                      | destination='', gateway='' |
|                      | destination='', gateway='' |
output omitted...

Create security group trove-sec-grp and allow ICMP and SSH ports and create ssh-key pair to access trove instance during troubleshooting. (You are going to create security-group and key inside trove service project. I mostly do this from Horizon GUI because its much easier).

Next configure trove to use trove network/security-group & key. Create followig file in kolla to push out changes.


management_networks = ee2a2a81-178c-4d79-867b-8baf53ec236d
nova_keypair = trove-ssh-key
management_security_groups = 451e4b4a-58b4-4e9f-84a8-5bdb21e34cd5


transport_url = rabbit://openstack:<RABBITMQ_PASSWORD>@,openstack:<RABBITMQ_PASSWORD>@,openstack:<RABBITMQ_PASSWORD>@
control_exchange = trove
root_grant = ALL
root_grant_option = True
debug = False

heartbeat_in_pthread = false
amqp_durable_queues = true
rabbit_quorum_queue = true

NOTES: I have created trove-guestagent.conf file to override my changes like RabbitMQ IP. 192.168.8.X is my openstack API network where rabbitMQ running.

Deploy changes.

$ kolla-ansible -i multinode reconfigure -t trove

Deploy Trove Image & Datastore version

Download trove image for testing. (For production you should build your own image)

$ wget

Upload image in glance, the image is assigned tags that will be used when creating datastore version.

$ openstack image create Trove-Ubuntu --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --public --tag trove --file trove-master-guest-ubuntu-jammy.qcow2

Create database version. You need to create at least one datastore version for each type of database supported. This example creates a datastore version for MySQL 5.7.29:

$ openstack datastore version create 5.7.29 mysql mysql "" --image-tags trove,mysql --active --default --version-number 5.7.29

Verify datastore version.

$ openstack datastore version list mysql
| ID                                   | Name   | Version |
| 0b218550-a28c-4cb7-b907-ecac89a27b5f | 5.7.29 | 5.7.29  |

Validation and Testing

Create mysql database instance. (–is-public will assign public network for outside world access)

$ openstack database instance create my_db \
    --flavor m1.medium \
    --size 10 \
    --nic net-id=81ce26ec-1151-4960-b3ca-bf529e6296b2 \
     --database testdb \
     --users spatel:mypassword \
     --datastore mysql \
     --datastore-version 5.7.29 \
     --is-public \

Check status of database instance. Voila!!

$ openstack database instance list
| ID                                   | Name  | Datastore | Datastore Version | Status | Operating Status | Public | Addresses                                                                        | Flavor ID | Size | Role |
| 95949d3e-2478-435f-b178-b5224854434d | my_db | mysql     | 5.7.29            | ACTIVE | HEALTHY          | True   | [{'address': '', 'type': 'private', 'network':                         | 3         |   10 |      |
|                                      |       |           |                   |        |                  |        | '81ce26ec-1151-4960-b3ca-bf529e6296b2'}, {'address': '', 'type':  |           |      |      |
|                                      |       |           |                   |        |                  |        | 'public'}]                                                                       |           |      |      |

Let’s access it from public network and verify database.

$ mysql -h -u spatel -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 20
Server version: 5.7.29 MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MySQL [(none)]> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| testdb             |
2 rows in set (0.14 sec)

MySQL [(none)]>

Database operations & User management using Trove API

You can list database users.

$ openstack database user list my_db
| Name   | Host | Databases |
| spatel | %    | testdb    |

Create new user for testdb.

$ openstack database user create my_db newuser userpass --databases testdb
$ openstack database user list my_db
| Name    | Host | Databases |
| newuser | %    | testdb    |
| spatel  | %    | testdb    |

Create new database.

$ openstack database db create my_db newdb
$ openstack database db list my_db
| Name   |
| newdb  |
| testdb |

Manage access to databases using trove api.

$ openstack database user grant access my_db newuser newdb
$ openstack database user show access my_db newuser
| Name   |
| newdb  |
| testdb |


Sometime you would like to get on vm instance to check logs of trove-guest-agent or docker container etc.

First find out VM instance IP address of trove-mgmt-network where your DB running.

$ openstack server list --project service --name my_db
| ID                                   | Name  | Status | Networks                                                          | Image        | Flavor    |
| 5e60e685-14a9-4e23-9aaa-7dd5aa82cfd9 | my_db | ACTIVE | demo-net=,; trove-mgmt-net= | Trove-Ubuntu | m1.medium |

SSH to from controller node because it has IP address of that subnet. (make sure you are using right ssh-key for instance)

$ ssh -l ubuntu
ubuntu@my-db:~$ sudo su -

Check logs of trove agent.

$ journalctl -u guest-agent.service -f

Check docker and logs because mysql database running inside docker container.

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS                                                  NAMES
3a98e2a23396   mysql:5.7.29   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   36 minutes ago   Up 36 minutes>3306/tcp, :::3306->3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   database

Check docker logs of database container.

$ docker logs database



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